Episode 1

Guest Host Kelly Charles Collins, Ladies Who Leverage podcast, chats legacy and why our stories should be told with Tangular Irby

Kelly Charles Collins is the CEO of Ladies Who Leverage, global women's community that empowers women to leverage their expertise , resources, and relationships to build their business, brand, and badassery.

In this inaugural episode, Kelly chats with Legacy of our African American Lives podcast host Tangular Irby about the importance of sharing our stories.

About the Podcast

Show artwork for Legacy of our African American Lives
Legacy of our African American Lives
Where our stories become oral histories created to uplift, empower and enrich the next generation.

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About your host

Profile picture for Tangular Irby

Tangular Irby

Tangular Irby is an education consultant and author. After caring for and eventually losing her mother to a terminal illness, she found herself reevaluating her own life’s purpose.

She is the host of the “Legacy of our African American Lives” podcast where she interviews African American entrepreneurs who are committed to leaving their families a legacy beyond just money. If we do not share our family traditions they die when we leave the earth.
Her mission is to help families bridge generational gaps through storytelling. She can be found at geesbendmade.com.